Humanize Content Ranks Higher Than AI Content—Should We Apply AI or Not?

Discover the balance between humanize content and AI-generated content in marketing. Learn when to apply AI for efficiency while keeping a personal touch that ranks higher in search results.

10/15/20244 min read

Comparison between humanized content and AI-generated content in marketing strategy
Comparison between humanized content and AI-generated content in marketing strategy
Comparison between humanized content and AI-generated content in marketing strategy

AI development doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime. A lot of marketers find themselves in dilemma of utilizing AI for speed, efficiency and productivity but we are also result-driven creatures, so maintaining human touch, which would engaged better with audience and ranks higher in search engines. As Google’s latest updates favor humanized content, it’s clear that authenticity still rules. But that doesn’t mean AI has no role in marketing.

Let’s explore this dilemma and provide practical solutions to help you decide when and how to apply AI in your marketing strategy.

Why Humanized Content Ranks Higher?

Search engines like Google etc are valuing human-created content because of;

1) the saturated AI content flooding into the internet,
2) we still need authenticity, emotional depth, and originality.

These characteristics result in higher user engagement, longer the time spent on pages, and more meaningful interactions, all of which are signals that Google uses to rank content.

Here are a few reasons why humanized content performs better:

Emotional Appeal: Content written by humans taps into feelings, empathy, and real-world experiences, things AI simply can’t replicate. This connection builds trust and makes readers more likely to engage with your brand.

Unique Insights: Human content provides unique perspectives, real experience stories, and fresh ideas. AI cannot generate truly new insights, because the model itself relies on existing data to produce content.

Personalized Tone: AI is detectable with one kind of tone. Readers can tell when they’re reading something written by AI. Humanized content uses natural (not robotic) conversational tone, humor, and storytelling to make the reader feel like the content was written specifically for them.

Should We Apply AI in Marketing?

Now, this doesn’t mean AI has no role in content marketing. The key is to find the right balance between human and AI. So, should you apply AI? Here are some considerations to help you decide.

When to Use AI?

Speed and Efficiency:

AI is fantastic at scaling content production. It can generate fast, producing numbers of SEO-optimized content, conduct topic research, or write product descriptions, which is time consuming. Use AI for tasks like drafting outlines, summarizing content, or pulling data insights. This can save valuable time that you can invest in more creative or strategic areas.

Data-Driven Insights:

As you read earlier, AI relies on existing data. So, AI is able to analyze amounts of data to identify trends. If you need insight on any research tasks that include data, such as based consumer behavior or keyword trends, AI tools can process the information for you. AI can also help optimize the structure of your content by suggesting keywords, titles, and meta descriptions based on top-performing search results, to better performing content writing.

A/B Testing:

When you need to test various versions of your copy to see what resonates best, AI can help. It can create variations for your content, allowing you to run multiple tests without the manual process of thinking and doing it.

When to Stick with Human Expertise?

Creative Storytelling:

AI-generated content is often generic. If you want to connect with your audience through emotional storytelling, human writers will always be better at creating content that inspires or moves them.

Content like blog posts, thought leadership articles, or social media campaigns that require personal experiences or unique perspectives. These should be human-driven.

Authenticity and Trust:

In industries where trust and credibility are highly needed and prioritised —such as healthcare, finance, or education—human-created content will always have to lead. Your audience wants to hear from the experts, not AI.

Human writers bring a level of credibility, reliability, authenticity, trust and authority that AI simply cannot match, making the content more credible and relatable.

Brand Voice and Personalization:

Your brand voice is an essential part of what makes you unique. AI can help maintain a consistent tone, but it often lacks the flexibility to adjust for different audiences or contexts.

If you’re trying to craft a message that resonates on a personal level, it’s better to let human writers handle the work.

Practical Solutions: How I Effectively Balance AI with Human Input

Finding the right balance between AI and human content creation is important. Here’s a step-by-step solution on how to integrate AI into your marketing strategy without losing the human touch:

1. Use AI as a Starting Point

AI can assist you with the early phases of content creation, research, and SEO analysis. This helps organize your work and saves time. To narrow it down, any tasks related to data and research.

Tools like ChatGPT, Jasper AI, and are excellent at providing drafts that can then be personalized and refined by human writers.

2. Humanize AI Content

After AI completes the initial stage, humans should review, modify, and improve the content with injecting creativity, tone, and personality. For example, adding personal stories, and emotional appeal to the content. Avoid depending on AI to enhance the content.

3. Leverage AI for Optimization, Not Creation

AI is an expert at optimizing content for SEO, helping with keyword placement, structuring meta tags, and even adjusting sentence structures for better readability. Let AI do the technical aspects, while your human writers focus on creating meaningful connections with the audience.

4. Automate Routine Tasks

Tasks like email marketing, social media scheduling, and basic content updates can be efficiently managed by AI-driven tools such as Mailchimp or Hootsuite. We can work and focus more on strategic initiatives.

5. Regularly Audit Your Content

Perform regular audits to ensure that the AI-generated content isn’t diluting your brand voice or appearing too generic. Use this opportunity to assess how well your AI-driven content is performing in terms of engagement and ranking. Update older content from time to time with human insights or stories to keep it fresh and relevant.

Note: AI Is an Ally, Not a Replacement

To answer the question: Should we apply AI or not? Yes—but with a strategic approach. AI can significantly improve efficiency, but it should not replace the human element that makes content authentic and engaging.

Here’s the ideal formula for success:

AI for efficiency:

Use AI tools to speed up content production, perform data analysis, and optimize for SEO.

Humans for creativity/emotion touch:

Let your human writers handle storytelling, emotional connection, and maintaining your unique brand voice.

By finding this balance, you’ll be able to scale your content efforts while ensuring it remains personal, authentic, and valuable to your audience. After all, in the world of marketing, it’s the human connection that truly drives success.

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