AIDA Model
(Action, Interest, Desire, Action)

Understand what is AIDA Model in infographic
Understand what is AIDA Model in infographic

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AIDA Model is a classic marketing framework. Businesses can better understand the stages customers go through when interacting with a product or service by using the AIDA Model. Using this model will help you create marketing strategies that effectively move potential customers from throughout the AIDA journey from awareness to purchase (action / conversion / close sale).

AIDA Model Overview

AIDA is an acronym that refers to :
A - Attention
I -  Interest
D - Desire
A - Action

1. Attention


First stage involves getting the consumer's attention.


- Create eye-catching advertisements or content.
- Use bold visuals, catchy headlines, or engaging media.
- Stand out among competitors to make an impression.

Example: A colorful billboard or an intriguing social media ad that catches the eye.

2. Interest


Second stage, the goal is to spark interest in your product.


- Provide relevant information to engage the consumer.
- Highlight unique features or benefits.
- Tell stories or relatable content to create curiosity.

Example: A video showcasing how a new gadget works and its benefits.

3. Desire


Third stage is to create a strong desire for the product.


- Highlight how the product meets the consumer’s needs.
- Use emotional appeals to connect with the audience.
- Incorporate testimonials or success stories.

Example: A customer review highlighting how a fitness app helped someone achieve their health goals.

4. Action


Forth stage encourages the consumer to take action.


- Use clear and persuasive calls to action (CTAs).
- Make the purchasing process simple and accessible.
- Create urgency with limited-time offers or discounts.

Example: A prominent “Buy Now” button on a website after showcasing product benefits.

Business Benefits of the AIDA Model

1) Increased Conversion Rates

Businesses can increase the conversion rate or purchase by following through the stages.

2) Better Targeting

Understanding your customers and their behavior allows for more effective marketing strategies relatable to your  audience.

3) Enhanced Brand Loyalty

Creating positive experiences at each stage builds customer trust and encourages repeat purchases.